Goal-based investing at your fingertips

Get personalized, goal-based investment portfolios that are actively managed by professionals at OneVest to help you plan for whatever is next.

Goal-based investing at your fingertips
Neo Invest™—powered by OneVest¹Not all your eggs are in one basket.

Get VIP access to alternative investments

Access up to 3x more investment products to boost diversification and potential returns. Having different asset classes and investment strategies gives you multiple sources of returns, helps balance portfolio risk and return, and protects you from sudden market changes.
Get VIP access to alternative investments
Set it and forget it

Set it and forget it

OneVest portfolio managers actively monitor the market and will adjust your portfolio over time to help you reach your goals. This helps to stabilize your portfolio when the market fluctuates, or even to increase returns when opportunities arise.

Choose your own path

Get the right account that fits your goals, and our partners at OneVest will make sure you're set up for success in the long term—or for whenever you need the money.
TFSAInvest using a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) and never pay taxes on your withdrawals. No penalty. No tax. Just stay within the contribution limits.
RRSPContribute to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) account to reduce your taxable income. There are several ways to leverage this account while considering the limits and tax deductions on withdrawals.
PersonalPerfect if you want non-registered investments with less restrictions or if you’ve hit your contribution limits within your RRSP. As long as you’re paying yourself first, it’s a win.
Set up for success

Recurring deposits to the rescue

Automatically invest every week or month, and reach your goals without lifting a finger.
Recurring deposits to the rescue
Track your progress

Track your progress

View projections against your goals, and confirm you’re on track.
1Getting to know youInvesting is not a one-size-fits-all situation. The information you provide about you and your goals helps create a curated investment portfolio just for you.
2Start investingAdd new funds (or transfer your existing investments) into your new portfolio.
3Sit back, we got the restOneVest takes care of the investments, you take care of being you. Of course, you can check in on your investments and make changes anytime you want.

Get started in 10 minutes or less

¹ Portfolio management services provided by OneVest.